Premier Property Lawyers LTD My Home Move Conveyancing Hunters Conveyancing

Premier Property Lawyers LTD
Premier Property Lawyers is a wholly-owned, award-winning, subsidiary of My Home Move and is the largest conveyancing firm in the UK, according to HMLR data. Premier Property Lawyers is regulated by the Council for Licensed Conveyancers and aims to deliver a personal, trusted and values-based service that reduces the stress of moving home for all of our clients. Clients who use our service have access to the enhanced online case management service, eWay, and also have a personal conveyancer, who will manage their case from instruction to completion.


MyHomeMove Conveyancing (My Home Move Conveyancing)
We'll give you an all-inclusive fixed price quote from the start. The price only changes if your instructions do.
Our no move, no fee guarantee means you won't pay us any legal fees if your move falls through, through no fault on your own.
Last year alone we helped nearly 50,000 people have a hassle-free experience.


Hunters Conveyancing

Solicitors are often perceived as stuffy and old fashioned. Not so at Hunters Home Conveyancing. We believe that being friendly and approachable is just as important as being competent and professional.

By combining traditional experience with modern and caring customer service and using the very latest in computer and internet technology to help keep everyone informed, Hunters Home Conveyancing is bound to make your move go smoothly.


These are all the trading names listed under the Premier Property Lawyers bandwagon:
1st Property Lawyers
City & County Conveyancing
C J Hole Conveyancing
Davis Tate Conveyancing
D.B. Roberts Conveyancing
eZie Conveyancing
Farrell Heyworth Conveyancing
Fine & Country Conveyancing
Frost’s Conveyancing
Goodfellows Conveyancing
Hatched Conveyancing
Homemover Direct
House Network Conveyancing
Hunters Conveyancing
Imagine Conveyancing
Intercounty Conveyancing
JNP Conveyancing
Kings Conveyancing
Lanes Conveyancing
Lauristons Conveyancing
Lawlors Conveyancing
Legal & General Conveyancing
Lifetime Legal Conveyancing
Miles & Barr Conveyancing
Move & Save Conveyancing
Myhome Move Property Lawyers
Newman Conveyancing
Park & Bailey Conveyancing
Philip Green Conveyancing
Pink Residential Conveyancing
Taylor Robinson Conveyancing
TEAM Conveyancing
Thomas Oliver Conveyancing
W.J. Meade Conveyancing
Webbers Conveyancing



23 reviews

  1. BEWARE!!

    If you look at the people who have given this company 5* and click into there other reviews, you will find a lot of other conveyancing and property companies they have reviewed as 5*.

    My problem with PPL started with the company hiding behind another company name. I wanted a local conveyancing company and asked the estate agent for a recommendation. The quote came back, paid the deposit and then it dawned on me. We weren't using the local conveyancer as we thought. It was Premier Property Lawyers dressed up under a different name.

    By this time we were 10 days in, deposit paid. I should have taken my gut feeling and cancelled straight away. I now find myself going through this process unhappy with reviews i keep reading about them on a daily basis under a myriad of different trading names.

    6 weeks in now and i feel like every 1* review is coming true on my job. Poor communication, conveyancer on holiday, forms not checked. Wrong names on documents, different people dealing with the job, lack of personal attention and you're just a number, the feeling that the workers have loads of other jobs in front of yours, asking for documents they have already been sent...

    Add this up with the stress of selling a property and Premier Property Lawyers and the various guises are really not for you if you want an efficient job doing.

    Ask yourself this... Why has this company got lots of dubious 5* reviews and where have they all come from... What type of company are you trusting with the most important legal process in your whole life.


    Premier Property Lawyers:

    Do not have a direct email address to your Conveyancer.

    Do not have a direct dial telephone number to get hold of your Conveyancer.

    When emailed important questions will text and call you back, so as not to create an easy to follow paper trail of answers.

    Will quote you for conveyancing work as though they are a local Conveyancing Company and when your deposit is paid they then reveal themselves, leaving you stuck and unable to pull out.

    Will be rude on the telephone and make you feel as though you're being unreasonable by contacting them.

    Are paid a bonus to get conveyancing done on a timescale. Sounds good, until you realize that even on the most simple job that date is a minimum of 3 - 4 months away. Despite promising you the earth and "Everything can be done in a month".

    Pays large commissions to estate agents who are then not looking after your interests, but lining their own pockets.

    Pays various companies to write 5* reviews on ratings websites, so they appear to be a good at what they do. Tricking the unsuspecting client in to thinking "Look at all these 5* reviews, they must be good".

    Their Eway system appears to be good, until you realize that at any point they can change it themselves and reduce down the segments so you are no nearer to completion than you were months before.

    They only work on your case for 5 minutes before they give you an "update call" nothing else happens on your job until the next update telephone call.

    Premier Property Lawyers constantly make you feel under-advised that they are simply going through the motions to get rid of you off the phone.

    They make you feel as though you are a troublemaker by asking questions about your own conveyancing and what the process entails.

    Premier Property Lawyers "conveyancers" act as though they are big time defence lawyers looking after a case. They should be reminded that they are infact jumped up paper pushers who have no formal qualifications in what they are doing. Only the top people in the company are licensed conveyancers. Chances are, your job won't ever get looked over by a qualified person.

    Has a way of leaving you an answer phone message on your phone, without actually calling your phone. When questioned about this, have absolutely no knowledge of what your talking about. Implying that the phone rang and went straight to answer phone.

    This type of lying behavior is what goes on throughout every dealing you have with Premier Property Lawyers or whoever they are called that day. They very closely skim the edge of what could be called fraudulent behavior with how they act.

    They will often tell you what you want to hear, only being a few weeks away from completion. When that date arrives they explain the same thing again, knowing that your actually months away, just to get you off the telephone.

    The Conveyancer themselves don't care if you move house or not. It's not their problem as long as they have your fee.

    You get the impression that if they had to give you some bad news about your house move, that they would put the phone down, and have a good laugh around the office at your expense.

    Your just a job number to them. Job Number: 600016994439 and counting.

    A company that tries to suppress bad on-line reviews about themselves. If you were any good as a company. You wouldn't have the need to do this.

  3. a negative 5 stars won't be an exaggeration

    I am not sure how PPL get 4 stars from the reviewer? As I can guarantee you they are the worst conveyancing practice I have ever experienced.
    Harsh attitude, aggressive staff, excessive long delay in my conveyancing (5 months) which end up failure to exchange due to their delay. The buyer was also using PPL, however, PPL also messed up their service for the buyer as well (not surprised) as they didnot realize the mortgage offer was approaching expiring date, which end up with new base rate (how much can change in 5 month time?)
    They refusing to admitting their negligence, and replied my complaint with the worst and nasty words I ever heard from a response for a customer complaint, they literally telling me off in their reply. I wish you guys don't get in the same situation as me did, avoid this practice at all cost.

  4. Avoid at all costs

    I am first-time buyer, in a no-chain purchase of a shared ownership property through Purple Bricks (Also avoid). Despite my offer being accepted in early Nov '17 and contracts signed early Feb '18, there is still no confirmed completion date in sight (12/4/18). Both the seller and myself are using PPL as conveyancers, and despite this there is a continuous lag between the exchanges of enquiries etc with each 'side' blaming the other for the delay. They have been extremely unresponsive, ignoring emails and voicemails and have no provided no clear idea of what is going on, or when anything is likely to complete. Despite giving them a 2 month deadline from contract signing when my rental lease was up, they have failed to move things to completion and I have now had to move back with family 40 miles away from where I work. An utter, shambolic, incompetent group of time-wasters.

  5. Absolutly shocking firm-Avoid

    Absolutly shocking firm. Avoid at all costs. Our buyer used this firm it was just delay after delay. Was offered the 7th March by ppl to exchange and complete but we couldn't do this date, we offered 16th and then 23rd March. We got ready for exchange and completion for the 23rd booked vans, doggy day care, child care etc and the then ignored my solicitors calls and emails for about a week and then 2 days before PPL said they needed proof of deposit from the buyer and we couldn't do the 23rd despite them being supposedly ready for the 7th March 3 weeks previous. PPL then offered us the 29th to exchange and complete. We're booked everything on then on the 29th we got the van and loaded it up, and sat and waited for over 7 hours with the van loaded waiting fir PPL to exchange the contracts.At 4pm we started to unpack the van and put it all back in our house. Then at 4.30 pm PPL said we go ahead, only to call back 10 mins later and say that their buyer said it was too late to complete and to push it back to the following Wednesday the 4th April. This left us living in our old house for 6 days over Easter with our 8 year old all sleeping on the floor on mattresses because beds had been taken down, all our stuff was in boxes and packed and we had to live like this for 6 days all because PPL couldn't get there stuff in order. Our buyer called up 2 days after the shambles of the 29th asking to collect his keys as he thought the deal had been done. Clearly PPL had lied about the completion on the 29th so they could wrap up for the bank holiday. We also had to pay for the cost of the van twice and doggy day care, not to mention having numerous people stood around for a full day waiting to help. PPL are incompetent and ignore emails and calls and completely screwed us over on numerous occasions and we were not even their client.

  6. Awful - simply Awful

    I am currently in the process of using Premier Property Lawyers to purchase a new build home with my partner - we are first time buyers.

    This company so far has proved that communication is non-existent and that management of cases are not the priority of the conveyancers at all! Since the last 3 months of using them my partner has had to chase them to get updates, it took them 10 weeks to let us know that they needed more documentation, this was after checking with them that they had everything.

    Our Conveyancer has now gone on annual leave and did not think to tell us (even worse our exchange is due to take place whilst she is away), we only found out that she was away by speaking to a member of the team a day after she left the office! Why am I paying for these people when they can't even tell me that they are on annual leave!

    Today is in fact our exchange date and we were told that everything was in hand, it's not, the authority to exchange has only now been submitted, we were told that it has been submitted 2 weeks ago - we don't know what the truth is to be honest.

    As we are first time buyers we have LISAs - we have had to do the leg work to find out how they work and any stipulations as our Conveyancer sat on the information for weeks, and every time we asked if they have received information from our LISA providers they said no, I don't know if items were lost in the post or they have lost them in their mail room.

    I have never left a review before but after this experience which I knew would be stressful trying to buy a house it has been made so much worse by their lack of professionalism - too many people are below the Conveyancers answering the phone and picking up emails that I doubt anything actually gets to the Conveyancer to do their job and so we have to do it for them!

    Like I said today is our exchange and I know we will miss it due to lack of communication and incompetence - I've had got to the stage that I do not trust these people and just want everything dealt with so I can move on and get the house or lose it entirely just so I'm not stuck in limbo.

  7. Don't bother, just don't...

    Don't answer there phone's and don't ring you back when you leave messages. Communication is paramount in conveyancing!!! And they don't!!!!!!!! Disgusting!!!!

  8. Wouldn't recommend...

    Not the service i was hoping for, had to constantly chase and felt like i was doing their job for them at times! Wouldnt recommend. Some of the conveyancers who answered the phone were very rude! Moving home is one of the most stressful times you may have to go through, a phone call every week with an update was too much to ask!

  9. Rubbish service

    We got set up by the Estate agent to use these people. I mean the word "set up" as a literal meaning.

    It turns out they weren't "Hunters Conveyancing" after all. It was "Premier Property Lawyers" and they were absolutely rubbish.

  10. Avoid Premier Property Lawyers!

    Avoid Premier Property Lawyers!

    A soulless company who little communication between them and the client, yes you have an online portal which is great but know body goes through the paperwork with you and explains the legal Jargon. You get 1 phone call every week or two and that's it! We're waiting for one answer from an external ource and they will not even chase them all they do is fob you off that we sent an email. Well pick up the phone an call them! Every time you call your conveyancer is busy, guaranteed. So everytime you call you get passed to a random person that knows nothing about your case and them they give you different information to the previous person. Rubbish company, stick to a local Lawyer with a personal touch and easy to get hold off.

  11. Very inefficient

    Atrocious service.
    Very little communication, conveyancer rarely contactable and other rude staff. Months went by before we came anywhere near to making them realise what the property we were buying consisted of and what needed to be done.
    They don t answer your emails or queries, even the estate agents had a hard time contacting them and were not impressed.
    By 4 months in we had no confidence in the process, what we were actually buying and possible complications if we later came to sell.
    We had to pull out of buying the property because of this, despite being a cash buyer and no chain either end.


    These lot were responsible for the worst experience of my life. Total incompetence and a don't care attitude. All the non 1 star reviews are obvious fakes.

    Just like a call centre - you can never speak to the right person. Got to my move date and they said everything was ready. Then the move didn't happen because they didn't have the buyers contract! Missed the move date and cost be a small fortune. Once the contract was in place they said everything was set. On the next move date it didn't happen as they didn't have the buyers deposit! Missed another move day! I don't know a lot about house moves but I know the contract and the funds are quite important! Absolute clowns. Wouldn't wish this lot on my worst enemy.

  13. Appalling service

    All the other bad reviews rolled into one.
    Weeks went by without any contact, uncontactable , did not have any idea what we were buying or what was needed though we repeatedly told them (through Estate Agent).
    Conveyancer had no idea, away a lot of the time and if you manage to speak to someone else they are rude.
    No urgency about anything, we pulled out of the sale due to total lack of confidence in them.

  14. Absolutely terrible

    We would give these solicitors a zero star review if we could. We didn't even use them, our buyer did. No phone number given out and no response to emails from other solicitors in the chain. This meant our move was delayed by months because they hid the fact they didn't and then couldn't deal with an issue. They then had to sub contract the issue out to a local firm. Our advice is check who your buyers solicitors are before you accept an offer and if it's these guys in any guise refuse and find another buyer. It has caused no end of stress to everyone in the chain. Use a local firm that someone you know recommends!

  15. Cheaper but not cheaper enough to justify the shoddy service

    Appalling customer service from the moment they have your money. Consistently ignore phone calls, emails, requests for a call back, etc. Impossible to speak to your named conceyancer.

  16. Use this company at your peril

    Buying a house is probably the most expensive purchase you'll ever make. If you're not careful, it can also be the most stressful. And nothing that Premier Property Lawyers does will reduce that stress in any way (check them out online - they trade under a host of different names....including my home move and Ezie)

    They're said to be Britain's largest conveyancer. It might be that your estate agent recommends them - they earn commission for doing so. When bought through your estate agent they seem to 'adopt' the estate agents name....hence PPL were always referred to as Andrew Grant Conveyancing in my dealings, as they were my estate agent

    Let me be clear: PPL are a sick joke. Frankly, if you read all the one star reviews from genuine customers and go on to use this company, then, put simply, you're part of the problem.

    This company has mastered the art of indifference. They don't care. To be fair to them, they don't pretend that they care. If you don't complete on your purchase they don't charge you for your legal fees. You might think that's a great reason to sign up with them, but I understand - do your own research - that they claim off an insurance company to cover the loss - so there's NO incentive for them to be professional, to succeed, to get the job complete

    You cant escape the feeling that you're dealing with a call centre. You'll actually get through to your named conveyancer once in a blue moon. Even then, they appear so snowed under with work that they don't know who you are, don't care about your issues and have no idea what stage your purchase or sale is at.

    If you're lucky you'll find your conveyancer has two gears - neutral and first. If you're unlucky, you'll just be stuck in neutral

    Their standard turnaround time for enquiries appears to be 11 days. Send them anything. Wait 11 days. Raise a buyer enquiry. 11 days. Bounce it back. Another 11 days. Ask for a financial update - 11 days. Send an email enquiry - 11 days. You get the picture

    It should not take over a year to complete the sale of one house and simultaneous purchase of another. And that might not be the average, but that's how long ours took

    Come up against a legal issue? Don't expect them to come up with the solution. You do the research. You solve the problem. You just get them to implement it

    Their legal expertise for any issue rarely goes beyond: 'We'll get an indemnity for that' (ours typically cost £290 - we wonder how much goes to them....)

    No right of way to your new house...
    Tree preservation order, but no actual tree...
    No HETAS certificate for your woodburner? indemnify
    Loft conversion with no planning permission, even though it only needed building regs...

    PPL's motto should be: 'If in doubt, get an indemnity out'

    It's quite possible you'll pay more in indemnities than the rest of your conveyancing fees in much for their much-vaunted 'fixed fee conveyancing'

    As for 'contact counting', forget it. Your phone calls, emails and other attempts at contact will prove frustratingly futile. You cant escape the feeling that you're on a money-making conveyer belt

    It seems that anything they can do to complicate matters they will and it'll result in an indemnity, the cost of which you will be paying

    Good luck on day of exchange. Ours was interesting. 1st day, they failed to exchange because in a working day they couldn't contact all the parties. On the 2nd day, they stopped exchange and advised us not to buy!? Why you ask? Because we weren't actually ready to exchange as they had forgotten to do some of the conveyancing work!

    Post completion update:
    With the purchase complete, all that remained for PPL to do was to electronically upload the change of ownership and to register a right of way with the Land Registry. All the paperwork had already been completed as a condition of exchange, so it was ready to go - just press a button.

    Several weeks after completion I enquired and was told it was a 'WIP' - the paperwork had been submitted. Eight weeks post-completion, same message. 11 weeks post-completion I spoke to the Land Registry who informed me the paperwork had NEVER been submitted to them by PPL.

    An enraged call to PPL drew the response that the paperwork was 'complicated' and 'WIP', yet within an hour of complaining, Land Registry informed me that PPL had finally been in touch.

    Unfortunately, two weeks later, despite repeated assurances that the paperwork had been submitted, Land Registry confirmed it still hadn't

    Within an hour of making a formal complaint...the paperwork was finally submitted.

    A week later, we finally legally owned our new home. You might ask about the right of way, shame PPL didn't. Instead they asked Land Registry to register the existence of some telegraph poles dating back to 1931? When Land Registry queried this, PPL sent them a marriage certificate by way of explanation!?!?

    Subsequently, after further chasing, our right of way WAS finally registered. Following a formal complaint we received a letter (sent to our OLD address, I kid you not) and compensation for £100, but with a cheque for just £50 attached.

    Our request for the original legal paperwork that we bought and paid for had STILL not been actioned 16 weeks after completion. As a result we served a legal 'letter before action' on PPL and the next day received a bundle of papers via recorded delivery

    One of the documents was 'a certified copy' of a document, the original of which we had paid for and needed. The 'certified copy' wasn't even dated, so had no legal standing as far as I could see. And we were advised the original was 'in storage' and 'being retrieved'.

    Beyond farcical.

    Having escalated our complaint, we received a letter stating 'for the avoidance of doubt, we have updated our records with your new address'...yes, you guessed it, the letter was mis-addressed AGAIN

    The final resolution letter admitted all their mistakes, but accepted no liability for any loss. £100 was paid directly into my bank account, presumably so it couldn't be refused, and they considered the matter closed. The missing original paperwork? Destoyed by the Land Registry or just MIA, they didn't seem to know which.

    Even as I typed my response, a phonecall came through declaring they had found all the missing paperwork, which was finally delivered next day, ending the saga

    Suffice to say that if PPL were the only conveyancers left on planet earth, I'd never move house again. Simple as. If I could award zero stars I would. You have been warned.

  17. Rubbish. Garbage . No Morals . No Integrity

    My Home Move - Advantage Property Lawyers Leeds . I used APL and I can say I would never use them again or recommend them to anyone . They made a shoddy job of convayancing my home and have left me thousands in debt with a re build of an extension. I'm digusted by the lack of morals and integrity shown by the CEO over my complaint . This company is a disgrace to Convayncing. This is my opinion . Check out other review sites .

  18. Please save yourself the aggro

    Conveyor belt conveyancing. Don't expect a great service. Also they pay massive refferal frees to Estate agents who recommend them.

  19. Dont go anywhere near these people - a total liability and a sham of a firm

    Beware - these people will destroy your life. Seriously lazy, incompetent and their systems have been down for 6 weeks! Still no information. So much so that the house I was about to complete on has been put back on the market. Utterly disgusting - they dont call, they blame other people. Truly appalling service and no accountability.

  20. Escape from disaster , I mean PPL

    Am I the luckiest purchaser? I had totally failed to read any Runes prior to accepting the estate agents advice to engage PPL as they were the appointed conveyancer for the seller. It seemed reasonable advice on the face of it since the team would be close and thus be efficient. Several weeks later I was surprised to be informed I needed to pay a small sum and nothing had yet commenced. I wasn't aware of this element in the PPL appointment process. Anyway I found the PPL email correspondence posted two weeks earlier whilst I was away on French vacation. Opening the eWay system I began to navigate but with a little difficulty since at my age I do struggle with this type of technology. Well imagine; the initial PPL letter on their wheel of fortune basically told me how happy PPL was to be appointed to undertake the Sale! of my property. I am not sure the actual vendor would be all that amused by this turn of events. A quick call to the estate agent then followed together with my confirmation of the name of my new solicitor. Amazingly not an hour later on relooking at the Premier Properties eWay thingy I saw that this initial letter had been removed!
    Then I began to wonder about PPL and thought to look at their reviews. O M G !!!!!
    I am feeling pretty silly that I hadn't done this right at the outset. One expects there to be some good and some not so good staff and therefore reviews in a large firm , but the histories I have just read over the past hour or so leave me véritables quaking in my boots. Hence the title of my review

  21. They Will Risk You Your House And Lose You Vasts Amounts Of Money

    We are now 18 weeks into what has been the most stressful amd traumatic period of my life. It's all thanks to the people at PPL. I have never dealt with a company as immoral and unprofessional as this. I HATE the fact I chose Premier Property Lawyers. They will make you ill with stress and then speak to you, a paying client, like you're an inconvenient annoyance.

    We chose PPL as Strike had recommended them to us and the buyer was with them.

    We are selling a leasehold and Strike put it on the market. We got our asking price within a day, a good mortgage and were looking forward to our purchase which took us a year to find. We were very excited.

    We have been lied to about obtaining documents. Emails sent that have had no response have never been chased or followed up. For months. We have had crucial responses 'blocked' by a firewall and not chased for two months, issues that are still going on after the well documented cyber attack.

    We have been spoken to rudely and condescendingly. We have delays upon delays from information not being requested, recieved, actioned or followed up and PPL simply don't care. We've been patient, polite, we've been firmer and even raised voices, we've begged, we've tried every single approach to obtain some sort of action on our cases. All to no avail. It makes no difference who you contact, who you complain to, what you say or do. 

    We have ridiculous enquiries that have been sent to our purchase's solicitors. These queries are not to protect us, they are just a game to be played by our solicitors. Our onwards purchase have given up and written a final letter. We have made a formal complaint, our buyer has made a formal complaint, all the estate agents involved have made formal complaints and our sellers solicitors have......NOTHING, made no difference what so ever. So I will probably get the cut and paste answer below about "management" will sort this out, but I can guarantee they will do NOTHING as PPL do not care for you as a customer.

    Most of the work and chasing has been done by ourselves, inbetween working long hours. We are in contact with our buyer and it has been the same experience for her. Her PPL solicitor has had  all the required information for over a month (although they should have had it three months ago, when it should have been requested by our team, who said they had it, and didnt) and just says they are reviewing. It takes 2-4  weeks to raise enquiries and  2 weeks for a response, if you are lucky.

    There is zero transparency, direct questions or challenges go unanswered or unread, and anything that can be traced back to malpractice on their part, blamed on a third party.

    Today we received the dreaded email from our sellers that they're pulling out if nothing happens in the next week. This will hit me to the tune of tens of thousands of pounds when they do. The interest on a five year fixed mortgage at todays rate will be 24000 difference alone.

    Two weeks ago our solicitor just dissapeared,  and was taken over by somebody who only works three days a week. More was done in these three days than what had happened prior to this and since, she was also polite, so thanks Katie. Then our rude solicitor returned and it was back to the sherking responsibility and condescending responses. I called her manager to ask for a replacement and all I got was a petty argument and blame on our buyer, again, their 'considered' customer. We are still stuck with our dismissive and arrogant conveyancer.

    This whole experience has been incredibly taxing on our mental health. My partner is constantly in tears, blood pressures are through the roof, feeling depressed, anxious and suicidal (never thought I'd say that over a house), we are both so drained by this process, and feel like giving up on the whole thing. Its affecting our work and our physical health.

    Look at Premier Property Lawyers website and the ideals they promote. Not one of these are true. That goes for My Home Move and any of the Simplify Group which are the umbrella companys.

    As a formal complaint has been made, we have to wait for between 28 days and 8 weeks for a response, before we can go to the Ombudsman. We followed the process and escalated to management, and after assurances we would have daily checks and updates on the case, never heard anything from them again.

    I really don't like writing bad reviews and hopefully I can change it if "something" is done, ANYTHING, but it feels like we are banging our heads against a brick wall.

    If you're looking to sell or buy a home then please do not use Premier Property Lawyers. Look at all their other negative reviews recently. They are the worst company I have ever dealt with, and an embarrassment to their profession. How can they play with people's lives (and money) like this?

  22. AVOID

    If you want to give yourself a stroke go with this firm.
    If you enjoy being stressed, anxious, frustrated and bitterly disappointed, go with this firm.
    If you want to chase outstanding issues yourself and do 50% of the work, go with this firm.
    0/5 for empathy
    0/5 for effort
    0/5 for reachability
    0/5 for accountability
    5/5 for procrastination
    They will crush your dreams with an experience similar to a Taiwanese prison.
    Listen to all of the recent reviews, you may get lucky with the odd person that wants to see you complete in a reasonable timeframe but you may also loose your sale/purchase after waiting months to over a year.
    They will find any reason to delay for as long as humanly possible.
    Formal complaint is being lodged with the ombudsman, I have no idea how they are allowed to continue trading. Always promised management intervention and callbacks but not followed through

  23. Professional and Responsive!

    I am so glad I had Sabina Mohammed act on my behalf. She is such a kind, caring and compassionate lady. I was going through mental torture after the loss of my dad, so selling a house on top of that was horrendous. Sabina took the time to actually talk to me with nothing but respect. I was calling her continuously, and she remained patient!! My purchase was also dealt with by Sabina, and again, she was amazing! It took almost a year to complete on my purchase property! (Which was not because of my Conveyancer!). I'm glad I had Sabina with me through my long and painful journey! Premier Property Lawyers are extremely lucky to have someone like Sabina work for them! Thank you Sabina! I'll miss our chats!!! It's been an absolute pleasure dealing with you!

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